Poetry is alive and well at Laurelwood.  Grade 7 and 8 students contributed entries to the Creative Communication Spring 2016 Poetry Contest. Laurelwood was presented with the Writing Achievement Award for entries of exceptionally high merit.  Congratulations and thank-you to Grade 7s Megan P., Sneha B. , Marcus N., B’ella I. S, Nicole S., Manal C., Maureen L., Lauren G, Annika A. A, Ron R., Brenna L., Ashton O., Michael A., Sam D., Rayan L., Lauren B., Jack L. and Grade 8s Sydney J, Joyce L, Arella D., Yasna Y., Roy W. and Saleha M.

Here is a sample by Ryan L. :


My Inward Glance


With one glance I’m bright bubbly orange

kind and considerate

ardent and animated,

never failing to put smiles on faces around.


But just like the weather, my mood can change rapidly

I’m DARK OMINOUS GREY, like a great big

storm cloud hiding in the anger

ready to strike

Irritated and lethargic,

cantankerous and bitter.


In between all those colours I’m just


bashful and muted,

wanting to disappear

but with my cheery colour forbid.


Every day are different colours mixing and matching

today I’m bright bubbly orange


be quick and turn the other way.